"the GISWatch is a magical space for learning, knowledge sharing and advocacy. Stakeholders should use this to help implement the human right-based approach to programming"
- Pacôme Sênoudé Tomètissi, POPDEV Bénin, Benin – GISWatch author
"GISWatch is a unique experience, I think. Don´t know if there is a similar project in other fields. Having each year the possibility of tackling a particular issue of the field of rights and ICT, convoquing experts to analyse it from different perspectives and counting with about 50 countries in each edition, to get down that analysis to each particular territory is very valuable."
- Florencia Roveri, Nodo TAU, Argentina
"The GISWatch Project provides very useful insights into today's information society through the lens of different country experiences. A reader is allowed to properly gauge the ongoing interaction between technology and human rights, and its impact on people's day-to-day lives."
- Jamael Jacob, Foundation for Media Alternatives, Philippines- GISWatch author